Talking to parents

How to tell Your Parents You Don't Want to Go to College

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: October 16, 2020
How to tell Your Parents You Don't Want to Go to College

While there are many reasons why parents may want their children to keep on studying, they should also understand that it's not the best for their children sometimes. They may have other plans for their future. However, when the time comes to go to College, many parents often feel disappointed when they hear that their child does not want to take a university degree. However, it would be much worse if their child went off to university to avoid disappointing their parents, then ended up abandoning their college ourse half way through, whilst having lost valuable time. If you are in a similar situation, OneHowTo will guide you as to how to tell your parents you don't want to go to college.

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  1. How do you tell your parents you don't want to go to College
  2. Give them reassurance and show confidence
  3. Own your decision

How do you tell your parents you don't want to go to College

First, get your parents together in a quiet place where you may speak without any distractions, such as in your living room, to tell them your thoughts. First off, so they don't worry, tell them you want to talk to them about something but that it is not very important, so that they don't panic from the start or are negative. When you have taken a seat, tell them you're planning on finishing your studies and that you no longer feel motivated or have any reasons to study further. Calmly tell them the reasons that led you to that decision whilst being firm and assertive with your words.

Before they react, stay calm and be understanding while trying to convince them that it is best for you. It's also best for them too, as they won't be paying for something that is of no interest to you and that you won't feel enough impetus to complete. Remember that your happiness is the most important thing to them and that they don't care about anything else, so they'll probably be sympathetic about your final decision. They might not understand at first, because they want financial stability for you and secure future employment. However, they will soon understand that the main thing is that you feel okay.

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How to tell Your Parents You Don't Want to Go to College - How do you tell your parents you don't want to go to College

Give them reassurance and show confidence

To explain your decision, you have a duty at least to reassure them that you have planned your future employment which should keep them calm. Therefore, assure them that they can trust you by going through your plan, whatever it is, for the following 6 months. Show them you are responsible, that you will receive training for a position if it is necessary, that you will improve your CV and send it to companies and clients every day.

For example, your current plan might involve working part time in a temporary job whilst you receive training in an area you want to specialize in later on. This might involve taking a short course related to the job or you might even search for work abroad whilst at home, and if you're lucky, you may leave to work in another country for a period of time. If this is your plan, tell your parents that this will give you a lot of work and linguistic experience, as you will regularly practice English. In addition, you will learn how to take care of yourself whilst acquiring some invaluable independence.

Own your decision

Finally, remember that if you are older, it's your life and your parents cannot decide for you. It is always worth consulting them for these types of critical decisions because their opinions are important to you, but you decide what you do with your own life.

Despite what they may say, show integrity if you want to stick to your decision, but you should also be humble and consider their opinions, value their point of view and then re-evaluate the issue with all of the information. They may give you good reasons as to why you should carry on studying and you may appreciate that it may be better to finish your education.

However, whatever you do, it will be your own decision. This will give you courage, independence and confidence, as long as you stick to your plan.

How to tell Your Parents You Don't Want to Go to College - Own your decision

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How to tell Your Parents You Don't Want to Go to College