Zodiac signs

How to Know if a Virgo Man Likes You

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: February 24, 2020
How to Know if a Virgo Man Likes You

If you have fallen for a Virgo man and are confused about your situation, we’re here to help. You will be happy to know that it can be quite easy to tell if a Virgo man has feelings for you, if they have the typical Virgo traits. All you need to do is look out for the signs a Virgo man likes you. As a starter, the top Virgo man crush signs include an obvious dedication to commitment and constant care and affection.

With this said, however, there are some awkward stages you may go through before these signs become obvious. Keep reading here at oneHOWTO as we elaborate deeper on how to know if a Virgo man likes you.

You may also be interested in: How to Attract a Virgo Man
  1. Signs a Virgo man likes you
  2. How to tell if a Virgo man is interested
  3. More signs a Virgo man is attracted to you
  4. How to get a Virgo man to chase you
  5. Virgo man says I love you

Signs a Virgo man likes you

If you are wondering a Virgo man in your life is interested in you, you will need to pay attention to the signs. Some of these signs seem obvious at first, but we need to be careful. Every individual is different, so these are just a guideline. If a Virgo man likes you, he may:

  • Be thoughtful to your needs
  • Try to find out everything about you
  • Develop their trust in you
  • Make you make the effort
  • Compliment you a lot
  • Do things for you
  • Calls and text a lot
  • Listen to your problems
  • Give advice
  • Want to spend time with you alone
  • Tell you he likes you

To understand how to interpret these signs, keep reading to find out more.

How to tell if a Virgo man is interested

Virgos can be loyal and loving romantic partners. Sadly, they can become victims in relationships, as their thoughtfulness is sometimes taken advantage of. Virgo men are usually very intelligent and make mature, thought-out decisions. They can, however, prove to be quite critical, which means they won't dive into a relationship. They will take their time when it comes to discovering true love.

It can be quite complicated when to know if a Virgo man is attracted to you because they have the tendency to analyze things meticulously and create problems out of minor issues. On the other hand, Virgos are known to be very ambitious and goal driven. Because of this, you may notice your Virgo man trying hard to discover and learn about your subjects of interest. Virgo men are known to be sensitive on the inside, but cool and possibly detached on the outside.

With this said, if you are lucky enough to have attracted a Virgo man, you will experience a caring and nurturing partner. They are known to be faithful and easily trusted, definitely someone you would want to spend your life with. If a Virgo man texts and calls you regularly, it is a sure sign they are interested in you. Otherwise, they won't likely be interested. However, be careful as Virgos will also put effort into friendships they value.

They are also known to be good researchers and investigators. If this is your first time dealing with a Virgo man, you need to make sure that your intentions are good because they will be able to sense if they are not!

How to Know if a Virgo Man Likes You - How to tell if a Virgo man is interested

More signs a Virgo man is attracted to you

Luckily, it is quite easy to tell if a Virgo man is interested in you. The way he talks or acts will become very obvious and differ from his general nature. Generally, Virgos are quite shy and do not like expressing their feelings.

Initially, you may find them saying 'no' to your suggestions. They are not interested in a meaningless relationship so it is up to you to assure them that the relationship will be worthy of their time.

At first, Virgo men can seem a bit cold and dry. Although it may appear that they do not like you, this is how they act when they start developing attraction or feelings. You must be strong-willed when delving into a relationship with a Virgo because they want a partner who can handle everything. Check out our oneHOWTO article on how to deal with an angry virgo.

It’s also important to know that Virgo men can also become quite distant. When a Virgo man’s feeling becomes strong, he tends to turn back to his shell in order to examine the situation. If he asks for distance, respect that. You can still let him know that you miss him and want to see him. Once you get passed the awkward initial stage, there will be more obvious signs a Virgo man is falling in love with you:

  • He speaks from the heart: another sign that tells a man truly likes you is when he means what he says. Because it is hard for a Virgo to open up, if they confess their sincere and heartfelt feelings it means that this Virgo man is attracted to you. Once they begin to have feelings, they will not hesitate to say what they feel.
  • He compliments you: Virgo males are not known for giving compliments to everyone. So, if he praises you and makes you feel good, they are definitely into you.
  • He wants to do things for you: Virgo men are supportive and eager to please. They will constantly ask you how you're doing and if they can help you in any way.

If a Virgo man he likes you he will spend a lot of time with you and listen to you. Time is incredibly valuable to Virgo men, so if he spends it with you, it means he likes you a lot. However, since Virgo men also like to be direct, eventually he will likely tell you how he feels about you. This will depend on how shy he is or how complicated is your given situation.

How to get a Virgo man to chase you

In love, Virgos men are loving, loyal and committed partners. However, they can be suspicious and think very deeply when choosing a partner. Seducing a Virgo man can be a bit tricky as they struggle to trust people. Yet, when they fall in love they are completely devoted to their partner and like to please them. They value security and stability and do not tolerate disloyalty or infidelity.

A Virgo man knows how to pay respect to women and will treat them like a true gentleman would. Although, if they sense they have romantic competition, they will not usually step up and compete, as certain other signs would. Instead, he will retract and leave you to take the reigns.

Being understanding and patient is key to conquering the heart of a Virgo man. In addition, women who are more reserved and refuse to push themselves onto a man are more likely to attract a Virgo.

With all this said, you should always be open and honest in any relationship, no matter the star sign.

How to Know if a Virgo Man Likes You - How to get a Virgo man to chase you

Virgo man says I love you

As we’ve already mentioned, a Virgo man can be quite secretive and subtle with how he shows or expresses love. The best way to know that a Virgo man loves you is when he puts your needs before his.

So, to recap, understanding a Virgo man is key in knowing how they express and fall in love. If a Virgo man is attracted to you he will:

  1. Listen to you
  2. Make eye contact
  3. Give you time
  4. Try to get to know you
  5. Include you in his life
  6. Open up to you

If you’re wondering how to talk to a Virgo man about your feeling, just remember to be sincere and honest. Being patient with a Virgo man is key in making sure you have a successful relationship.

For more Virgo sign characteristics, we recommend reading our following articles:

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How to Know if a Virgo Man Likes You