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Quotes About September - Inspirational and Motivational

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. September 4, 2024
Quotes About September - Inspirational and Motivational

September is a month of renewal, heralding change and a new beginning. With the end of summer and the arrival of fall, this month marks the beginning of various cycles which are influenced by nature. These include the agricultural harvest after summer growth, new sports seasons, religious observances and business calendars which begin anew in September. In viticulture, it is a very important month for the harvesting of grapes for new wines. For this reason, there are various quotations and proverbs which are associated with September and the beginning of fall.

At oneHOWTO, we provide a list of quotes about September which are inspirational and motivational. These fall proverbs help us to respect the changing of the seasons, helping us to better endure the end of summer.

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  1. Short quotes about September
  2. Literary quotes about September
  3. Quotes about September for children
  4. Religious quotes about September

Short quotes about September

Although short proverbs are brief, their brevity can make their meaning all the more powerful. Thanks to these sayings, we can capture the essence of the new fall environment as it develops around us by only using a few words. During the month of September there are many short and easy-to-remember quotations that are used to advise on agricultural tasks or changes in the weather:

  • He who has no clothes should tremble in September.
  • In September, whoever has wheat should sow.
  • September is fruitful, joyful and festive.
  • For Saint Michael, it will be very hot or it will be cruel.
  • In September, harvest, don't sow.
  • Whether good or bad, September does not leave the weather calm.
  • September either takes away the bridges or dries up the fountains.
  • Good weather in September, it will be better in December.
  • A very wet September means a lot of must, but juicy grapes.
  • The September sun always ripens the quince.
  • September is good if it is calm from the first to the thirtieth.
Quotes About September - Inspirational and Motivational - Short quotes about September

Literary quotes about September

The changes which September brings are not lost on writers. Some of the greatest literary minds have taken inspiration from summer changing into fall and produced literary September quotations such as the following:

  • “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby)
  • “It was a lovely afternoon—such an afternoon as only September can produce when summer has stolen back for one more day of dream and glamour.” — L.M. Montgomery
  • “September tries its best to have us forget summer.” — Bernard Williams
  • “Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul.” — Peggy Toney Horton
  • “All at once, summer collapsed into fall.” — Oscar Wilde
  • “Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.” — J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
  • “September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.” — Rowland E. Robinson
  • “There comes a day each September when you wake up and know that fall is in the air.” — Lee Maynard
  • “The morrow was a bright September morn; the earth was beautiful as if new-born; there was that nameless splendor everywhere, that wild exhilaration in the air, which makes the passers in the city street congratulate each other as they meet.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • “September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange flowers, swallows, and regret.” — Alexander Theroux

Quotes about September for children

Popular wisdom can be passed on from parents to children through sayings and proverbs. For this reason, there are many simple and educational quotations for the month of September, perfect for introducing little ones to popular culture and the historical traditions of the month of September. Thanks to these September sayings, children will be able to understand the change of seasons or the return to routine after a long summer. The following are some of the most motivational September quotations for children:

  • In September the wind takes the heat away instantly.
  • In September, take care of your forehead and protect your teeth.
  • September has arrived and summer is over.
  • In September, school starts back up.
  • September, the grape harvester makes the child an eater.
  • In September, the fields bloom and the child grows.
  • September thunder is neither bad nor good.
  • In the Indian summer, the fruits are like honey.
  • What August matures, September secures.
  • July is wheat, September is grape.
  • In February and September, it gets dark at six and dawn at six.
Quotes About September - Inspirational and Motivational - Quotes about September for children

Religious quotes about September

We finish our list of September sayings with quotations that refer to the calendar of the saints. It is during this month there are many special days dedicated to saints that have allowed the Christian religion to be combined with agricultural and meteorological customs. Similarly, many popular September quotes show how religious festivities are closely linked and related to the cycle of rural life:

  • For the Virgin of Mercy, do not offer fish or meat.
  • For Saint Michael, the faithful are warm.
  • For Saint Matthew's Day, sow the sheep and take up the plow.
  • Saint Vincent and Saint Matthew, I see neither the water nor the sun for you.
  • By Saint Jerome, in the countryside there is nothing anonymous.
  • For Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, they will eat figs.
  • Saint Michael brings the chestnuts and Saint Francis guards them.
  • Our Lady of Carrión, leave the watermelon and go to the melon.
  • On Saint Matthew's Day, they sow madmen and sane people.
  • If you want to have good sowing, do the first ones by Saint Matthew.
  • On St. Michael's Day, figs are honey.
  • When the Virgin arrives, the swallow leaves.
  • True autumn, on Michaelmas the first downpour.
  • The summer of Saint Michael will very rarely be missing.

Interestingly, there are not as many Islamic proverbs which are related directly to September. This is because they do not focus on months from the Gregorian calendar.

Now that you know some of the most popular quotes about September, you may want to take a look at our article on quotes for Mother's Day and inspiration quote tattoo ideas.

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Quotes About September - Inspirational and Motivational