What Are the Safest Countries in the World?

When we talk about the safety of a country, we refer to how a citizen or foreigner feels living in that territory. The idea is closely linked to crime, corruption and terrorism, as well as social and health security.
Do you know what are the safest countries in the world? Are you planning a vacation but do not know which country is the safest to visit? Don't worry, at oneHOWTO, we reveal which is the safest country on the planet in 2021 and show you a complete list of those with the best quality of life.
What is the safest country in the world?
At the end of 2019-2020, Iceland was decreed to be the safest and friendliest country in the world, holding first place since the previous year. Iceland is a country located in northwestern Europe with less than 400,000 inhabitants and a geographical area of just over 100,000 km2.
This small country stands out, among other things, for being a benchmark in the fight for gender equality. We can see this by the fact companies are obliged to demonstrate that salaries and conditions between men and women are well-balanced.
The UN considers Iceland to have some of the best public health conditions in the world, as is the case with its security policies and contributions to the environment. In Iceland, practically all the energy comes from renewable sources, which is a sign of the country's constant development and progress. It is worth noting that Iceland is the only North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) country that does not have an army.

List of safest countries in the world
The following list has been provided by the Global Peace Index and shows, in ascending order, the safest countries in the world in 2021. The numerical index that you can see next to each country represents the score achieved by each territory. The lower the index, the safer the country. These are the safest countries in the world to live and travel in 2021:
- Iceland - 1096
- New Zealand - 1192
- Austria - 1274
- Portugal - 1318
- Denmark - 1,353
- Canada - 1,372
- Czech Republic - 1,381
- Singapore - 1382
- Japan - 1391
- Ireland - 1393
- Slovenia - 1,396
- Switzerland - 1407
- Australia - 1453
- Sweden - 1502
- Finland - 1506
- Norway - 1519
- Germany - 1531
- Hungary - 1531
- Bhutan - 1545
- Mauritius - 1548
Interestingly, and despite not being among the top 10 safest countries in the world, Finland is considered the happiest country in the world.

Most unsafe countries in the world
It is worth noting that there are also lists available of the most unsafe countries in the world. So, if you are wondering which are the safest countries to live and travel in, you may also want to know which ones (for the moment) you should avoid.
The Institute for Economics and Peace offers us an updated list of the most insecure countries in the world. Variables used to measure the conflicts in each country include: terrorism, homicides, internal politics, drug trafficking, etc. Here is the list of the most insecure countries in which to live in the world in 2019-2020:
- Syria
- Afghanistan
- South Sudan
- Iraq
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Central African Republic
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Pakistan
- North Korea
- Russia
- Nigeria
- Colombia
- Israel
- Zimbabwe
- Yemen
- Lebanon
- Guinea-Bissau
- India
The list is headed by the Syrian Arab Republic, which this institute considers the most dangerous country in the world. This is closely related to the fact that at present, and since 2011, Syria is experiencing an ongoing severe and brutal armed conflict. It is estimated that more than 200,000 civilians have been killed throughout this conflict. All of which has generated a humanitarian crisis and caused the displacement of more than half of the Syrian population to other nations in the region, or to other countries.
If you want to know more about lists of world countries, take a look at our article on what are the most powerful countries in the world.

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