Unfaithful signs

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 20, 2017
10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

There's much to be said about infidelity but we don't want to cause controversy in this article and debate whether a human being is innately polygamous, if monogamous relationships really are natural, whether the partner deserves better than to be cheated on ... and so on. No, in this article, we simply want to let the less observant of you know the tell-tale signs that he's cheating on you. We'll help open your eyes here at OneHowTo and explain 10 signs your boyfriend is cheating on you'.

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Steps to follow:


Sign 1: Drastic change in appearance. If your man has never been one for the gym or if you normally have to persuade him not to commit the fashion crime that is socks with sandals and then, out of nowhere, he starts pumping iron every day and his interest is suddenly piqued when Gok Wan appears on TV, you have a problem.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 1

Sign 2: He spends less and less time with you. He's always got this meeting to attend, that business trip to go on, he's up to his eyeballs with extra work recently and has to be home late...

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 2

Sign 3: He's very secretive with his phone and laptop and has a password for everything. If he's uncharacteristically private with his things, he has something to hide .

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 3

Sign 4: You find unexplained receipts or bank statements or if he is suddenly more reluctant to spend as much money as before. It's possible that he's flashing the cash to impress his new lover.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 4

Sign 5: His behavior towards you changes in one of two ways: He either snaps at any given moment and is keen to start a fight or he starts showering you with gifts and being uncommonly nice - a typical way of responding to guilt.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 5

Sign 6: If your partner is not into music or has a very specific musical taste, a sudden change in his tastes may indicate that there is someone else. This can also apply to new hobbies or activities that have come up out of nowhere.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 6
Image: pixabay.com

Sign 7: Your partner will make mistakes with his memories. For example, he may mention a film you haven't seen together, a comment made by someone that you have never heard or talk about a TV program you have never watched together.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 7

Sign 8: If your sex life has changed recently this could also be a sign of a possible affair. Men who cheat feel invigorated by having a lover so they will want to have more sex, though often not with their partner.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 8

Sing 9: Be aware of body language. Learning how to know when your partner is lying to you will give you an idea of when he's really 'out with his friends'. He will try and maintain eye contact as much as possible and may have facial expressions that don't match his body language.

You can learn more on our article How to spot a liar through body language.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 9

Sign 10: Any question will seem to his as a third degree questioning. Though you may ask him how his day went, he will answer defensively if you ask more detailed questions about what he's been doing. He may also try to make you believe you are being paranoid.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You - Step 10

If you want to read similar articles to 10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You, we recommend you visit our Friendship category.


  • These ten signs are not set in stone and don't apply to everyone but they should definitely raise a red flag.
  • If you suspect that your partner might be cheating on you, the best thing to do is to sit your partner down and ask him about it directly.
  • Make sure you approach him on the subject once you have got enough evidence to justify your concern.
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10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You