What does Dreaming about Flies Mean?
We dream of different types of animals all the time. Sometimes it's our cat that is in our dream, and sometimes it's a bug or insect. Depending on the animal, the meaning can vary since each animal has their own meaning. While dreaming of cockroaches can mean you have some obstacles up ahead, dreaming of spiders can mean success is waiting for you around the corner. So, what does it mean to dream of flies? Keep reading this oneHOWTO article to find out.
- Self-care and cleansing
- Letting go of things or relationships that no longer serve you
- Dangerous situation
- Feeling guilty
- Secret from your past
- Perseverance and following your dreams
- Poverty or fortune?
- Jealousy
- Scared of intimicy
- Self-conscious
Self-care and cleansing
If you are making a cartoon and want to show that a character smells bad, an old technique would be to draw flies circling around them. This is appropriate as flies are not known for being clean. They try to get nutrients from almost anywhere, including rotting carcasses and animal waste.
This is why, it is not a big leap to imagine that dreaming of flies may indicate dirtiness. This could be a physical dirtiness, such as an untidy roommate or a colleague's messy workstation that is disturbing you. It's also possible your concern about dirtiness has to do more with psychological issues.
You might have too many things on your plate. Your mind is "dirty" and cluttered with all the different issues you have to deal with. Dreaming of flies might indicate you need cleansing, literally or figuratively. Cleaning up your act might help you stop dreaming of flies. You can have a spring cleaning to get everything into order and to deal with the problems you have been putting off for whatever reason it may be.
These are not easy things to do, but your subconscious seems to be concerned about them, so you should try to find a way to ease it.Another point to make is that flies can carry diseases. Dreaming about them may mean a more practical concern. You may worry you might get ill or you realize you haven't been looking after your health. Dreaming of flies might be a wake up call to get yourself cleaned up and start taking care of yourself more.
Letting go of things or relationships that no longer serve you
In certain dreams, flies can be an allegory. They can symbolize people or things which bother us in our life. Something which has obstructed our way or has deprived us from reaching a goal we desire. Flies are niggling insects. For example, having food on a terrace in summer would be perfect if it wasn't for all the swatting you had to do. You too, may have a niggling concern.
Even if things seem to be going your way, there is always the possibility something unexpected will come along. If you have a particular fly which seems to be bothering you, try to think if there is anything noticeable about it. It's possible that the fly represents an aspect of your life which you haven't given much thought to.
Dangerous situation
One fly can already be bothersome, you can imagine how a swarm of flies can make one feel. Being surrounded by a swarm of flies is dangerous, intimidating and suffocating. Emotionally you might be feeling the same when dreaming of flies. If you dream of a swarm of flies and you can't bat them away, you likely feel helpless. Everything can surround you and it appears there is no way out.
Perhaps this has something to do with business. For example, you may have a deal going through, but you're worried it is going to eat up all of your time. You may also feel swarmed with a relationship. If you are dreaming of a lot of flies, this may be an indicator that you are feeling anxious. You should try to be more aware of your mental health and what pressures you are currently feeling in your life.
Feeling guilty
While dreaming of flies can represent dirtiness in your life, it can also refer to your conscience. If you are dreaming about flies following you around, it could mean that you are feeling guilty about something. Try to reflect upon why you might be feeling guilty. To stop dreaming about flies, you may need to go apologize or make the situation that is weighing on your conscience right.
Depending on how you grew up, many people consider sexual thoughts to be "dirty" or "filthy". If there is something which is upsetting you sexually, you may have to speak with your partner or think about this yourself. Remember that having sexual desires is normal. Just make sure your sexual desires does not harm others. You can also consider going to a therapist to talk about these things in a safe and professional environment.
Secret from your past
Dreaming about flies can also symbolize a secret from our past. We may be feeling guilty or scared it may come up again. You may be suppressing these feelings and so they emerge in your dreams by your subconscious. Try opening up about this situation and seek advice from loved ones. We have all made mistakes in the past, try to make things right and learn from the past.
Perseverance and following your dreams
If we kill a fly in a dream, it can be a good sign. It could mean that, even though there are people who try to block our goals, we'll manage to persevere. It could also mean you are getting rid of the insignificant things in your life. This could be something physical such as cleaning up our living space.
Dreaming of killing a fly might also mean we are getting rid of toxic individuals in our lives. This can lead to a restful state of both mind and body.
Poverty or fortune?
There are also quite interesting symbols such as a fly on your ear. For some, this is thought to imply wealth or good fortune in the near future. However, some Islamic interpretations also say that if a fly lands on your property you should take precautions. It may mean someone is trying to take it from you.
Dreaming of a fly going in your ear may mean something else. As the fly is seen as dirty and even corrupt, it could mean some outside force is trying to mislead you. This could be related to money or even relationships.
On the other hand, people who constantly dream about flies may be jealous people. If this true for you, it may be a good time to reflect upon your jealousy and change your ways.
Scared of intimicy
If we dream about very small flies it could mean we're scared that someone might interfere in our business and that they know too many details about our intimacy. If you're feeling guilty or scared, it's best you talk to a loved one about it to seek the best solution. Having someone to talk about these things with can help with our mental health and overall happiness.
Last of all, if we dream that we are flies it may mean we concentrate too much on others. It might be time to focus more on yourself and stop being a people pleaser.
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